Behind the Seedling Kit

Beauty, practicality and sustainability: Can you create a seedling kit that has it all?

stages of change diagram
Adapted from the stages of change model by Marten Sims

The Start of behavioural Change

Encouraging horticulture could instil beneficial habits and benefit;

  • Environmentally - Decreased plastic waste from prepackaged produce. Less food waste, as families can harvest only the produce they will be able to consume
  • Financially - 'Cut and come again' varieties can save on food bill
  • Health - Encourages healthier eating and cooking from scratch. Gardening promotes physical activity and time spent outdoors.
  • Personally- Can be a satisfying and confidence-building experience for children and families.


To minimise waste and maximise the sustainability and budget-friendliness of the kit, we opted to use:

  • Minimal recycled card packaging
  • No unnecessary blocks of colour
  • Fully compostable plant fibre pot, coir soil tablet and hemp fibre seed mat
plant label care advice
The plant advice label enables users to refer to key information at the times they would need it, e.g. before watering


To better guarantee success for children and families, our kit has:

  • Easy-to-grow, low maintenance plants that are tolerant of British weather or can be grown on a windowsill
  • Self-contained pot and compact soil tablet to keep mess to a minimum
  • A convenient pot that will compost if planted directly into the garden
matching gods to plants

Pairing Plants

We created distinct kits by matching each character to a different plant species based on shared traits.

The different colours and visuals appeal to children's love of collecting things, and the more nuanced links between Gods and plants broadens the kit's appeal.

See another process deep dive: